All Quotes By Tag: Humanity-and-society
“Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.”
“Mind is the Alpha – Mind is the Omega. There is nothing else in the pursuit of knowledge. And more importantly, there is nothing else in education. All systems of the society should serve the mind, instead of the mind serving the systems.”
“Shallow intellect is worse than ignorance. Ignorance can be treated with knowledge, but shallow intellect, that is illusion of knowledge, is untreatable and quite dangerous to the progress and wellbeing of humanity.”
“The Fall of Rome, the biggest and greatest of all Empires, was due to the Faith of people the Romans deemed weak and inconsequential. The more they tried to squash them, the stronger their faith grew until Rome, with all its might and cruelty, became the very weak and inconsequential people they looked down upon.”
“No religion is higher than humanity.”
“When will people learn, that it is no measure of spirituality to look at our fellow human being, and say to him, “I am on the side of God, come to this side.” The only measure of spirituality, and the only measure of God, is to look at our fellow human being and say, “We are in this together, your God is my God, no matter what the name is or even if you don’t believe at all. We are still all in this together.” We touch the heart of Heaven, only when we reach for the heart of another.”
“The greatest ability which differentiate a human being from an animal is the ability to cooperate”
“To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.”
“Humans are the only helpline that humanity has got.”
“True understanding is an indivisible land of liberation beyond all judgement and all conclusions. In that land only will we be able to build a true castle of actual human civilization, with conscience flowing through its nerve center, stronger than all instinctual, primitive traits of the animal within.”
“Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.”