“Don’t waste the mornings of your life on idleness and laziness, by every means possible wrestle with your passions, your ideas and your dreams. Give it a shot!”

“Meaningful work gives life purpose and connects you to something bigger than yourself.”

“What you do will only ever be as good as WHY you do it.”

“Purpose is the reason for your rare, precious existence that is useful to others.”

“It’s amazing how the greater you become in your spirituality, faith and walk in your purpose, the more others display their “lesser” selves. They try so hard to dim your shine, but ultimately burn themselves out.”

“Our experiences are stepping stones to our purpose.”

“I need a true purpose. For a quest can never truly be sucessful without conviction to drive it.”

“There’s a particular peace and unbelievable beauty that comes when you finally decide to let go of what no longer serves your purpose.”

“Faith keeps our ships moving, while empathy and the memories of our experiences lead to wisdom.”