“Seeing a tree in an acorn and a house in a plank of wood is hope bringing a new tomorrow.”

“Don’t ever let that feeling that you were meant to do great things turn out to be a lie.”

“वसुधा का नेता कौन हुआ?भूखंड-विजेता कौन हुआ?अतुलित यश-क्रेता कौन हुआ?नव-धर्म-प्रणेता कौन हुआ?जिसने न कभी आराम किया,विघ्नों में रहकर नाम किया”

“We all have a voice. Some a whisper, some a roar. If you can roar, roar for others. If you can only whisper, keep trying. Every roar started small.”