All Quotes By Tag: Life-and-death
“Life is an endless trial and death its certain verdict, but there are many recesses to enjoy before then.”
“A person, who has everything seeks life;A person,who has nothing ,seeks death;A person, who looks beyond everything seeks the meaning of life.To a person who gets everything in life,life is a boon,To a person who is deprived of everything in life,death is a boon.The richest of the rich seeks,life earnestly;The poorest of the poor seeks,death earnestly.If you know this: You will not follow,the world which gives and takes away money,You will follow,God who gives and takes away life.”
“This life is not perfect, live it to the full, it’s all we have”
“If I had a choice, I wouldn’t be here… I wouldn’t be anywhere.”
“Life has a meaning but do not set out to find out. Just live it out.”
“Life is a dream. We wake up when we die”
“Student: I don’t feel like living anymore. Teacher: If you don’t feel like doing something then don’t do. This means that in finding many ways how not to live your life, you have the possibility to discover how to live your life.”
“Nobody ever goes before their time.”
“Ce matin, l’idée m’est venue pour la première fois que mon corps, ce fidèle compagnon, cet ami plus sûr, mieux connu de moi que mon âme, n’est qu’un monstre sournois qui finira par dévorer son maître.”
“So it is said, for him who understands Heavenly joy, life is the working of Heaven; death is the transformation of things. In stillness, he and the yin share a single Virtue; in motion, he and the yang share a single flow.”
“WINTER’S GHOST:Autumn moonincautious in the dark riverWinter’s ghost walkswith a covered faceand silver bones wait in all animalsto be bone cloth upon her shoulderwait for her happiness in that they are silver”
“Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren’t they? Death. The inevitability of death. . .. . . (quoting an obituary) ‘There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence calls the whole world into question. All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.’ Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings”
“If only certain things had been preventable, his life would have unfurled in front of him as intended, like a lush Oriental carpet. No surprises, no detours. Just a thick tapestry of days and nights that at the end of his time on earth, he could roll up and proudly claim as his own.”
“We live, we love, we let it go.”
“To be alive, it seemed to me, as I stood there in all kinds of sorrow, was to be both original and reflection, and to be dead was to be split off, to be reflection alone.”