“Reading is air in my lungs, fire in my blood, company in my thoughts.”

“To feel the joy of life, we have to appreciate and love life.”

“I am too busy creating my ocean of love and feeling the joy of life to have time to complain.”

“A flower is there to bloom and make the earth beautiful and full of the joy of life.”

“Like the waves of the ocean that have an insatiable desire to kiss the shore, so the heart has an insatiable craving for love and the joy of life.”

“If you can’t be happy about everything, then just be happy about something, or some thing. Surely there is one thing in your life, at the very least, that you are happy about— perhaps as simple as being happy you have the ability to read these words and understand the concept proposed.Some people are happy at just being alive. I know I am. It sure beats the alternative.”

“World, do you know your creator?Seek him in the heavensAbove the stars must He dwell.”

“The world seems to want us to be sad and angry because bad things frequently happen. But I say we should feel the opposite. We should be happy and cheerful because good things happen. We should be delighted to see the sun rise and stars glow and rainbows color stormy skies. We should savor every simple breath and eat each meal with gratitude. We should slumber in sweet dreams and relish moments of laughter and love. We should take more notice of the joys and kindnesses that do exist, still dictating the actions of millions of good people all over the world. Life is filled with pleasant moments, not just grief. We should be happy because this is true.”

“It’s not my job to make you happy. It’s your job to learn that only those who quit selfishly seeking their own happiness find it.”

“That’s the thing about love It can take you up to the mountaintop and can drop you And the impact will either kill you or make you a new person”