All Quotes By Tag: Change-your-life
“In moments of great change we suffer, somehow hoping deep down that our emotions and our dramas can change the future or prevent it from happening. Future happens regardless.”
“The course of our lives can be altered when we receive the gift of knowledge.”
“Book-faces with blank pagesComprehending – not – through many moons and stagesMired in cycles of worn out spacesUntil the dust settlesEvidently no changes”
“Dear Change,My fear of the unknown finally outweighed my fear of the familiar.”
“Awakening With Love!!!”
“Money does not dictate your lifestyle, it’s what you do to get it and how you manage your finances that determines your lifestyle.”
“I can only change the world by changing myself.”
“Most people accept living unhappy lives because it is the only way they know, they refuse to be open to the new emerging possibilities and refuse to make positive changes. Because they are afraid of being outside their own comfort zone and don’t risk anything, they live lives that are far less fulfilling than they could actually have.”
“It’s all about Time, Demand & Change; So be the Demand with Change in Time.”
“Ein Foto muss nicht immer technisch perfekt und ein Meisterwerk sein. Das Leben ist es ja auch nicht und trotzdem finden wir es wundervoll.”
“One positive thought every day will change your life in a great way.”
“Life will not change if you change the content of your life. It will change if you change the context of your thoughts about your life.”
“Small shifts in your thinking, and small changes in your energy, can lead to massive alterations of your end result.”
“Success comes from the inside out. In order to change what is on the outside, you must first change what is on the inside.”
“It’s all about perspective… From the top of the canyon, the river looks like a snake and from the bottom of the canyon, it looks like a cascading body of jewel-blue water.”