“Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint.”

“Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past.”

“Our life on Earth is nothing but a reflection of the Heaven above. Our mind is the mirror. Sometimes is peaceful and gentle, sometimes it roars and hollows. The clearer it gets, the more you see Heaven in your life. But when the storm rages on, the reflection is gone and it seems that Heaven is nowhere and has never been. Regardless of whether your mind is clear or not, what you must remember is that Heaven is still there.”

“If you are open to life’s lessons and do not feed on beliefs and prejudices, you are like a blank sheet of paper on which God writes his messages to you in holy ink.”

“Many things are impossible for men to do alone, but everything is possible with God. Regardless of how big your errors might have been, you will find forgiveness when you truly seek for it.”

“The fear of God is an insane idea. God is love and “there is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear.”

“If you are now facing difficulties in your life, don’t focus on them but rather focus on God because when you keep your mind on God, you remember that nothing can stand in the way of His Power.”

“What you do for others, God will do for you.”

“Our heart calls us one way, the mind pulls us the other way, and we do the opposite. We cannot find peace when the mind rages war against the heart, when we fight with our thoughts the pull of our love.”

“People who just float around in life without any direction will tell you that your dreams are not possible. Their knowledge is the perfect mirror of their results. Logic makes perfect sense.”

“Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from The Amazing You movie)”

“The knowledge of the Universe is not secret, but is placed in the heart of every grandma and grandpa who have nothing and yet give everything to their grandchildren, in the eyes of every mother holding her baby close to her heart, in the spirit of every father holding the hand of his child walking for the first time.”

“The most powerful affirmation doesn’t come from the conscious mind but from your Soul, an affirmation in which you are not trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe, but rather you are becoming aware of the truth and the reality of what you truly are.”