“Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint.”

“Every step we take toward the top is possible because of all the little steps we took in the past.”

“For thousands of years humanity has been trying to answer the question: “Do we have life after death?” Maybe for the first time you must now answer the question: “Do I really have a life before death?”

“Flow is a state of being when we are completely focused, and fully immersed in what we are doing. In flow our work seems effortless, creativity goes into overdrive, we feel inspired, and motivation springs forth from within.”

“It’s in those quiet little towns, at the edge of the world, that you will find the salt of the earth people who make you feel right at home.”

“Those who achieve the extraordinary are usually the most ordinary because they have nothing to prove to anybody. Be Humble.”

“Your persistent actions are the bridge between mind and matter, between the inner and the outer. Do what you’ve been called to do. Do it with grit, do it with courage, do it with boldness and faith, and do it every day for the rest of your life.”

“When you claim your power and follow your heart, by the time you reach any obstacles you see off in the distance, they will have been removed for you.”

“Our heart calls us one way, the mind pulls us the other way, and we do the opposite. We cannot find peace when the mind rages war against the heart, when we fight with our thoughts the pull of our love.”

“People who just float around in life without any direction will tell you that your dreams are not possible. Their knowledge is the perfect mirror of their results. Logic makes perfect sense.”

“Your commitment shakes the very foundation of this universe. (from The Amazing You movie)”

“The only way to thrive in the future is to focus on what you love, develop knowledge and skills in the service of your passion, and be relentless in doing the work.”

“So many people will tell you ”no”, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.”

“Leaving what feels secure behind and following the beckoning of our hearts doesn’t always end as we expect or hope. We may even fail. But here’s the payoff: it can also be amazing and wonderful and immensely satisfying.”