All Quotes By Tag: Daily-inspiration-grace
“[THE DAILY BREATH]There are three important periods in your life. When you enter your twenties, you chase a career that other people suggested, recommended, or imposed on you. You are doing other people’s purpose.When you finish your twenties, frustration and depression – sometimes illnesses – begin to set in because you feel you have no purpose in life. If you find the courage to break the bondage, you go to find your purpose. You discover your passion and follow your dreams for a while. You feel bliss because you feel you have found freedom. You are doing your purpose.And one day, God touches your heart and you put all your dreams at His feet. When you lift your hands and say: “Jesus, I am yours. Everything I am, use all of me,” you begin to do God’s purpose for you. You are finally free.”
“Our competence comes from God’s grace.”
“[THE DAILY BREATH]What do you do when you’ve made mistakes and you can’t wash away by yourself the guilt you now have to live with? What do you do when you feel you are all alone, struggling in secret with hurt and pain you cannot share with others? What do you do when you reach the point when the books don’t work, when your friends can’t and won’t do anything more for you, when the psychological techniques and the meditations fail, when the experts raise their shoulders because they don’t know how to help you, when you feel abandoned with no way out?Religious people will tell you that you cannot come before God because you are dirty or not good enough, but I tell you: go before God because this is the only thing that will truly heal your life. Just as you are, naked, broken, dirty and hurt, walk before Jesus and tell Him everything on your heart. You cannot even grasp now the mercy and grace you receive when you open your heart to Him.”