“Passion is the ‘not-so-secret’ ingredient to success. Passion drives hard work, persistence and creativity.”

“People who create their own opportunities will get further in life than people who expect opportunities to be created for them.”

“Don’t waste time defending your intentions. History will judge you by the outcomes of your actions”

“Those who have made it to the top have only done so through hard work and time conversion.”

“When something looks impossible, don’t give up without testing its impossibility”

“Some people are like popcorn: they will only succeed when under heat or pressure.”

“Successful people who don’t know what to do with their recent success get quickly bored with it.”

“There are two kinds of success: Good success and bad success! Good success is to be successful without jostling people around or walking over others!”

“Successful people do what they love, not what they are told to do.”

“It is often contended that the belief that a person is solely responsible for his own fate is held only by the successful. This in itself is not so unacceptable as its underlying suggestion, which is that people hold this belief because they have been successful. I, for one, am inclined to think that the connection is the other way round and that people often are successful because they hold this belief. Though a man’s conviction that all he achieves is due solely to his exertions, skill, and intelligence may be largely false, it is apt to have the most benefi cial effects on his energy and circumspection. And if the smug pride of the successful is often intolerable and offensive, the belief that success depends wholly on him is probably the pragmatically most effective incentive to successful action; whereas the more a man indulges in the propensity to blame others or circumstances for his failures, the more disgruntled and ineffective he tends to become.”