All Quotes By Tag: Pressure
“There is so much pressure on us to try to overcome boredom by spending time on frivolities.”
“I know so much pressure is on all of us to waste time and to just trivialize it. There is so much pressure on us to try to overcome boredom by spending time on frivolities.”
“Some people are like popcorn: they will only succeed when under heat or pressure.”
“The feeling one has no time to get anything done provides the pressure that guarantees one does get some things done.”
“Nobody works better under pressure. They just work faster.”
“They say pressure can turn even a grain of sand into a pearl under the right circumstances.”
“I felt that blank incapability of invention which is the greatest misery of authorship, when dull Nothing replies to our anxious invocations. “Have you thought of a story?” I was asked every morning, and each morning I was forced to reply with a mortifying negative”
“The Pressure-Maybe one day,after centuries,we can become brilliant gemsin crystal cavesand we will be immortal after all.”
“I don’t know where this pressure came from. I can’t blame my parents because it has always felt internal. Like any other parent, my mother celebrated the A grades and the less-than-A grades she felt there was no need to tell anybody about. But not acknowledging the effort that ended in a less than perfect result impacted me as a child. If I didn’t win, then we wouldn’t tell anyone that I had even competed to save us the embarrassment of acknowledging that someone else was better. Keeping the secret made me think that losing was something to be ashamed of, and that unless I was sure I was going to be the champion there was no point in trying. And there was certainly no point to just having fun.”
“She knew there were only small joys in life–the big ones were too complicated to be joys when you got all through–and once you realized that, it took a lot of the pressure off.”
“Tension, in the long run, is a more dangerous force than any feud known to man.”
“If brainstorming becomes ‘blamestorming’ by reason of time pressure or on account of pure laziness, the truth may be assaulted and unyieldingly vilified . Blamestorming becomes then downright a perfidious appeal to scapegoating with a torrent of frantic manhunts for ‘culprits on duty’. (‘Blamestorming’)”
“Pressure makes diamonds”