“The western world is a dishonest society of non-disclosure agreements, cash for silence, and the illegal removal of civil rights from those in the know.”

“The hallmarks of a dishonest society are cash for silence, non-disclosure agreements and the illegal removal of rights of those in the know.”

“Some false representations contravene the law; some do not. … The sensibilities of no two men are the same. Some would refuse to sell property without carefully explaining all about its merits and defects, and putting themselves in the purchasers’ place and inquiring if he himself would buy under the circumstances. But such men never would be prosperous merchants.”

“Where questions of religion are concerned, people are guilty of every possible sort of dishonesty and intellectual misdemeanor.”

“The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is the pretense of intelligent ignorance. The former is teachable; the latter is not.”

“Some people think they can find satisfaction in good food, fine clothes, lively music, and sexual pleasure. However, when they have all these things, they are not satisfied. They realize happiness is not simply having their material needs met. Thus, society has set up a system of rewards that go beyond material goods. These include titles, social recognition, status, and political power, all wrapped up in a package called self-fulfillment. Attracted by these prizes and goaded on by social pressure, people spend their short lives tiring body and mind to chase after these goals. Perhaps this gives them the feeling that they have achieved something in their lives, but in reality they have sacrificed a lot in life. They can no longer see, hear, act, feel, or think from their hearts. Everything they do is dictated by whether it can get them social gains. In the end, they’ve spent their lives following other people’s demands and never lived a life of their own. How different is this from the life of a slave or a prisoner?”

“A DEAD STATESMANI could not dig: I dared not rob:Therefore I lied to please the mob.Now all my lies are proved untrueAnd I must face the men I slew.What tale shall serve me here amongMine angry and defrauded young?from EPITAPHS OF THE WAR 1914-18”

“Many people in a rather reckless context claim to ‘just tell it like it is’. In actuality, nobody really stresses what one says so much as the motive behind what one says; hence, he is merely blowing hot air and detracting from ‘what is’.”

“Tension, in the long run, is a more dangerous force than any feud known to man.”

“Just as some people may conceal their own sinfulness thus seeming better than the norm, others expose their own sinfulness thus seeming worse than the norm.”

“Tolerance! The virtue that makes one bite his tongue so that he can tear out his hair.”

“Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths.”

“I despise the rituals of fake friendship. I wish we could just claw each other’s eyes out and call it a day; instead we put on huge radiant smiles and spout compliments until our teeth hurt from the saccharine sweetness of it all.”

“Don’t be afraid of enemies who attack you. Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.”