“Sometimes you have to let others tell their story about you…even if most of it is fabricated. Your character will tell your side without any words spoken. Do your best to vibrate high even in the midst of a shit storm.”

“What we don’t bring into light, and don’t acknowledge to ourselves, grows in the dark.”

“Success in politics is the art of the timely lie.”

“Back then we gave it our all, we neither lied nor made mistakes, we didn’t fail and didn’t do anything wrong.It’s just that…TIME has passed and changed it all.”

“It doesn’t really matter if you are left behind the back, but what matters is your capacity to pull and push everyone by your way to get to the front.”

“The greatest lie ever sold to mankind is that it needs to be better, stronger, faster and more powerful than it already was intended to be when it was created in the beginning.”

“The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only.”

“Writers of fiction embellish reality almost without knowing it.”

“The truth hurt more than lies.”

“Beware the God who seeks praise. Beware the guru who presumes to teach that which is unfixed and boundless. Beware the healer who sets a price on aid. Beware the lover who would make you a lesser version of yourself. Beware the doctrines that discourage independent thought. Beware any person of faith who doesn’t understand doubt. Filter all things through yourself. Accept only that which sits right with your soul.”

“He didn’t liehe just gave her false hopes~”

“People start to lie more once they start to care less.”