All Quotes By Tag: Change-your-life
“A wise question doesn’t ask, – it creates.”
“If we never take any risks, we’ll never fully experience what life offers to us in its entirety.”
“The best way to gain power is to give it up.”
“Never underestimate the infinite love within youIt has the power to transform lives”
“Right now in this moment we are either opening or closing the door to a new opportunity.The decision is always ours.”
“Change your attitude and you change your life. You cannot control what happens to you in your life, but you can always control how you respond to it. The way you choose to respond is a reflection of your attitude. By changing your attitude, you also change your perspective and change your life.”
“When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable.”
“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”