All Quotes By Tag: Wings
“I am that piece of a puzzle, which would never fit in any puzzles out there. I am that sky, which refused to turn blue every morning. I am that bird, which always had broken wings and yet always tried harder to fly. And I am that tunnel, which neither had a beginning nor end but one could always see the light at both the ends.”
“Please don’t be overly sober with your precious wings, it’s your addiction to freedom that makes me think that i too can defy gravity.”
“You’ll always be curious yet deliriously sinking into whatever your nightmare is until you let your wings know you’re serious by leaping into your wildest dreams of self love.”
“You alwaysdrop by, to en-lighten my mind,when my wings arefeeling heavy &i’ve forgottenhow tofly.”
“Yet something else trickles in between the cracks of this despairing thought. The hope of something to fill that emptiness. The hope that, perhaps, I have found it already. And suddenly hope is a thing alive, soaring in me. Its wings beat against my ribs, wild with the promise of joy.”
“Wings are like dreams. Before each flight, a bird takes a small jump, a leap of faith, believing that its wings will work. That jump can only be made with rock solid feet.”
“Similar to a butterfly, I’ve gone through a metamorphosis, been released from my dark cocoon, embraced my wings, and soared!”
“How I wish I was like the water,Flowing so freely with every dropLet my every emotion wonder,No need to start, nor even stopHow I wish I was like the fire,Burning with every flame upLeaving a trace of hot desireAs a Phoenix raises its’ wings upHow I wish I was like the earth,Raising each flower from the groundSeeing the beauty of death and birthAnd then returning to the groundHow I wish I was like the wind,Hearing each whisper, sound and thoughtA lonesome and wandering little wind,Shattering all that has been soughtOh, how I wish I was where you are,Not separated by empty space, so farIt seems like we’re galaxies apart,But we find hope within our heartAnd how I wish I was all of the above,So I can come below and yet forget,The beauty of angels which come down like a doveAnd demons who love with no regret.”
“Always have faith in yourself and the universe, for one will not get you anywhere without the other. Both must be equally strong to reach your desires, for they are the wings that will lift you to your dreams.”
“True hope is swift, and flies with swallow’s wings.”
“How do you… we… you know, faeries pollinate?””The male produces pollen on his hands and when two faeries decide to pollinate, the male reaches into the female’s blossom and lets the pollen mix. It’s a somewhat delicate process.””Doesn’t sound very romantic.””There’s nothing romantic about it at all.” Tamani replied, a confident smile spreading across his face. “That’s what sex is for.””You still…?” She let the question hang.”Sure.””But faeries don’t get pregnant?””Never.” Tamani winked. “Pollination is for reproduction- sex is just for fun.”- Laurel and Tamani”
“While fear depletes power, faith gives wings for the soul’s elevation.”
“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”
“You don’t need wings to be an angel.You just need a heart of gold.”
“At home, I have a poster on my wall of a rose that’s bleeding. Its petals are white, and red liquid oozes from its heart, thick and glistening warm. Only, if you look very close, you can see the droplets are coming from above, where a little girl’s wrist—camouflaged by a cluster of leaves—has been pricked by thorns as she reached inside to catch a monarch.I used to wonder why she risked getting sliced up just to touch a butterfly. But now it makes sense: she wanted those wings so she could fly away, because the pain of trying to reach for them was more tolerable than the pain of staying grounded, wherever she was.Today, I embrace that child’s perfect wisdom. What I wouldn’t give for a set of wings . . .”