“Life is sometimes to be a monkey with a monkey, to be a dog with a dog, a bird with a bird, water with water, tree with tree! It is a great wisdom to interiorize the mind of others, in other words, to make their spirit our own spirit!”

“GPS has saved countless relationships because us men do not like to ask for directions. Now if women could only come with relationship GPS we would be one step closer to world peace.”

“People who say, “it is not my fault,” continuously fail. People who say, “I’ve done no wrong,” have not done enough right. People who say, “I am done!” are never done repeating the cycle. Even in the privacy of our own thoughts, we can’t sow lies and reap truth.”

“Help someone, you earn a friend. Help someone too much, you make an enemy.”

“I would rather spend my money on a good time and make myself happy than spend my money on material things I will never end up using. Moral of the story: let’s have a good time.”