“Every high ideal appears utopian to the ordinary masses, until they see it manifesting in front of their own eyes.”

“It’s better to live for five days as an unconditioned, liberated human being, than to live for a thousand years as a dead, conditioned, second-hand human body.”

“Without the conscientious actions of you, o braveheart, the society ever lastingly will be stuck in a loop filled with misery, hopelessness and destructive external advancement.”

“When you sense you need courage, you are going to next level of life.”

“Whatever you do, do as an original human – as a master, not as a slave.”

“When you find a truth that surpasses your desire to fit trends and meet approval, you can be certain it’s worth fighting to spread.”

“I am beautiful because the kindness of my heart is beautiful.I am strong because my strength is my self-confidence.I am courageous because my knowledge has made me fearless.”

“A truly successful person may not need inspiration, but he becomes an inspiration to others by his courageous actions.”

“You can give illness to her body but you can’t take the gypsy out of that girl.”

“Be a craftsman in speech that thou mayest be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue, and speech is mightier than all fighting.”