All Quotes By Tag: Perseverance-quotes
“Nature illustrates how we should live our lives: because every plant, animal or tree that dies creates a better foundation with manure for other plants to grow and animals to thrive. As such, let’s accept and be grateful for the dead ends, plans or projects that we lose: because these create a stronger and more enlightened foundation for us to build something better for our future.”
“If you are so sick and tired of being sick and tired, no strategy will be so sick to consider in liberating your life.”
“Always take failure as an opinion; never as an option.”
“I gave up many times but I never quit.”
“When you persevere and persist and finally reach the top of the mountain: the sense of pride that you feel is priceless!”
“A candle in the wind is as valiant as a star in the sky.”
“Don’t get disheartened a mile into a marathon.”
“Keep your head above the water, even if the air is not clean.”
“Holdups serve to help you learn more about what you are trying to achieve, push your boundaries and score a lot of small victories when you overcome all these unexpected hurdles.”
“If you want to be important, be the best you can. If you want a legacy, build it. If you want peace of mind, find it. If you cannot make it now, keep trying until you make it, and if you have not yet found what you want, keep searching.”
“You opinions about me does not change who I am.”