“Spread love. Hug the people you care about and make sure they know that you care and appreciate them. Make it known to your friends and family that you love them.”

“In a noisy world like ours, the best gift to have is a quiet mind. In a dangerous world like this one, the best gift to own is a calm soul. In a life like we are placed in, the best gift to receive is a serene outlook. May we have all three of these gifts.”

“Breathe in, breathe out. Perfect! Your breath is the debt you owe to the bank of life. Your progress is the payment.”

“We must never adore ourselves due to the idea in our minds that we are of a certain rank/ have attained a certain position (whether this is social, economic, intellectual, or internal). But we must adore ourselves based upon our ability to connect with other human beings; to assimilate at the level of other people, no matter what level they are at.”

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”