“The Happiness ManifestoPledge not to complain needlessly.Vow not to anger unecessarily.Promise not to crititize unreasonably.Commit to thinking positively.Aspire to speak intelligently.Strive to live enlightenedly.Your happiness is in serenity.Your contentedness is in charity.Your righteousness is in integrity.Your nobility is in humility.Your innocence is in sincerity.Your blessedness is in humanity.”

“The moral? To recognize that our best chance of contentment lies in taking up the wisdom offered to us in coded form through our coughs, allergies, social gaffes, and emotional betrayals, and to avoid the ingratitude of those who blame the peas, the bores, the time, and the weather.”

“I just have this feeling,’ he said, ‘that life really isn’t so complicated. We only make it that way through fear and worry. When your soul is quiet and steady, like ours is right now, Vixie, you’ll find there, truly, is so much to smile about.”

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.”