All Quotes By Tag: Wise-man-quotes
“A wise man is humble, knowing he actually doesn’t know much.”
“To attain knowledge, learn continuously. To become wise, observe continuously.”
“Wisdom is to see no thing as a strange thing, no clothe as a strange cloth, no person as a strange person, no event as a strange event! Because in wisdom you understand why the things are as they are!”
“To discover the depth, leave the surface and to discover the surface, leave the depth! You shall meet wisdom only when you know both the surface and the depth!”
“The only time I really feel the urge to compose myself it’s when I’m writing or speaking.”
“One good thing about inspiration is that you don’t go for it, it comes to you naturally. Sometimes without even thinking.”
“In place of fellow feeling, seeing each other alone, is enough to raise the empathy of human beings.”
“Throughput the world history, it is the ordinary people who rises and done extraordinary things for society.”