All Quotes By Tag: Ask
“There would be a time, when you will ask for nothing but life.”
“To ask a man whether or not he has a girlfriend is to talk about his sex life. If you disagree with that, then how in the name of God do you differentiate between a man’s girlfriend and a girl that is a friend to the man?”
“You are loaded with answers; don’t live your entire life asking questions.”
“İnce hastalık diye vereme derler. Asıl aşka ince hastalık demek lazım. Hem de öylesine ince ki, bu derde düşenlerde akıl, mantık bile esas vazifelerini bırakıp ümit yolları bulmak için akla ve mantığa hiç de yanaşmayan sapaklıklarda izciliğe çıkıyor.”
“The key is to keep asking, keep probing, keep drilling down. If you activate your natural curiosity, every answer you get may generate new questions, and then new answers, followed by more questions, and so on, in an ever-rising ladder of understanding.”
“Do not ask directions from the people around you. Ask directions from the person who called you.”
“Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour, longing for the dawn of answers.”
“You need to trustTo surrenderTo ask for guidanceGo within for the answersThey’re within youYou have the answersAll you need do is ask”
“Marty, my mother used to say “Never get greedy with God.” I think what she meant was “Don’t dare ask for more if you already have what you need.” ”
“Pray each morning and each night.Talk to God and be polite.Tell Him what you’re grateful for.Leave your troubles at His door.Share your wishes, needs, and hopes.Ask God how to bravely cope.Tell Him all you learned today.Say the things you need to say.Beg forgiveness for your sins.Pray to live with Him again.Speak with earnest heart and soul.He will listen. This I know.For prayer is hope put to the test.And hope is faith in what is best.Faith is power to do great things.Thus, prayer is faith’s enabling wings.”
“He wondered about himself (whether he was broken, or special, or better, or worse) and about other people (whether they were really all as stupid as they seemed).”
“Ask me no questions, and I’ll tell you no fibs.”