All Quotes By Tag: Adolescence
“I think one is naturally impressed by anything having a beginning a middle and an ending when one is beginning writing and that it is a natural thing because when one is emerging from adolescence, which is really when one first begins writing one feels that one would not have been one emerging from adolescence if there had not been a beginning and a middle and an ending to anything.”
“There is so much woman in many a girl and too much boy in many a man.”
“Tombstones covered the dale, the smooth marble surfaces bright. She had spent days here as a teenager, though not out of any awareness of mortality. Like every adolescent, she intended to live forever.”
“I think that at a certain age, say fifteen or sixteen, poetry is like masturbation. But later in life good poets burn their early poetry, and bad poets publish it. Thankfully I gave up rather quickly.”
“Girls are always saying things like, “I’m so unhappy that I’m going to overdose on aspirin,” but they’d be awfully surprised if they succeeded. They have no intention of dying. At the first sight of blood, they panic.”
“pourquoi il n’y aurait pas de mondeaprès le lycée ?– Parce que derrière les grilles du bahut, y a aucundestin fabuleux, style téléfilm à la con, qui nous attend. Juste cette salope de réalité, avec sa gueule d’acier qui va nous broyer. Mais j’irai pas manifester pour autant, et tu sais pourquoi ? Ils me font gerber, les pantins qui le font. Défiler bourré dans la rue, ça dérange les gens qui tra- vaillent, pas le gouvernement. Si ces imbéciles voulaient vraiment faire bouger les choses, ils retireraient leur fric de la banque, ils rendraient les clés de leur 60 m2 – qu’ils sont bien contents, d’ailleurs, de remplir de merdes Ikea – et ils iraient marcher sur l’Élysée flingue à la main.”
“He felt a little lost, after that experience. Lost as the girls on their knees. It was a never-ending story of young girls losing themselves, such that they were no longer humans with any souls or characters, but pretty girls with fat asses and nice tits.”
“No adolescent ever wants to be understood, which is why they complain about being misunderstood all the time.”