“To be sad is to lack a reflection of heaven’s order”

“Well, it’s a good life and a good world, all said and done, if you don’t weaken.”

“The past and the present are after all so close, so almost one, as if time were an artificial teasing out of a material which longs to join, to interpenetrate, and to become heavy and very small like some of those heavenly bodies scientists tell us of.”

“If a man stands before a mirror and sees in it his reflections what he sees is not a true reproduction of himself but a picture of himself when he was a younger man.”

“A daughter becomes a clearer reflection of her mother with time.”

“Time passes: yesterday has gone for ever but tomorrow never comes. Let’s make the most of today.”

“Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can buy friends, men no longer have any friends.”

“The writer’s curse is that even in solitude, no matter its duration, he never grows lonely or bored.”

“Many of the traditional approaches to interfaith dialogue have assumed that it can be successful only if agreements are reached about amorphous concepts and themes that various traditions may have in common. These approaches have also assumed that participants have to “weaken” or “compromise” elements of their own faith… this is not necessarily constructive for engaging in interfaith understanding and dialogue. It is only when participants have a deep understanding of their own religious traditions and are willing to learn and recognize the richness of other religious traditions that constructive cooperation can take place between groups from different faiths. (by Cilliers, Ch. 3, p. 57-58)”

“Any judgment you make on a person is a reflection of you, not them.”

“Life has many roadblocks. If you can’t move, create your own path. Quitting is not an option.”

“Confidence comes from thoughtful action, reflection, and experience. Confidence does not come from reaction.”

“YOU ARE JUSTYou are not just for the right or left,but for what is right over the wrong.You are not just rich or poor,but always wealthy in the mind and heart.You are not perfect, but flawed.You are flawed, but you are just.You may just be conscious human,but you are also a magnificentreflection of God.”

“The truth is crazier than lies because lies are required to stick to possibilities—the truth isn’t.”

“Our body is a sacred temple A place to connect with people. As we aren’t staying any younger We might as well keep it stronger.”