“Between the MilesI have always counted the miles.Sometimes they came quick,Other times slow.The distance between things,The way I could know.Close could feel far,And far could feel near.The miles that passed too quickly,The ones I ran out of fear.They weren’t all the same,So I had been told,The unmarked trails,And the days I was bold.Some miles went down,Spiraling so low,When I was afraid to look forward,There was nowhere to go.The sunset came fast,And the day turned to night,But the trails could be endless,If I looked at them right.Everything I knew,All I was told,The conversations left behind,The people who grew old.When the miles stretched out before me,I wanted to sew them at the seam,Looking forward and then back,Holding everything in between.”

“Sometimes we don’t know where we are going until we get there.”

“I told her running away from your problems doesn’t solve anything. Really it just hurts the people who count on you.”

“The most valuable lessons in life do not come when you are walking or running. They come when you fall down. You better take them and rise up!”

“How far can you run? You’ll never know if you don’t move.”

“Your challenge will never get easier, but you will get stronger if you don’t quit.”

“Those runners who hit their second wind know find something most of the world never discovers.”

“People say they can do great things, but runners never become runners until they run, and you will never become whatever it is you wish to be, unless you do it by taking that first step.”

“The road for runners is paved with answers, clarity, and peace.”

“How long you run matters. How far you run counts. But the fact that you run is what makes you a runner.”

“Never underestimate or fail to appreciate the power of a good run.”

“Lace up those shoes, breathe deep, and get out there. You’ve got miracles to make happen today.”

“Treadmill sweat isn’t as sweet as trail sweat.”

“People who run for the love of running understand that life is about moving forward.”

“If you can’t run fast, run slow. If you can’t run slow, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. All that matters is that you don’t stop moving.”