All Quotes By Tag: Stress
“Your life is what happens when you’re busy trying to become unbusy.”
“Where’d the days go, when all we did was play? And the stress that we were under wasn’t stress at all just a run and a jump into a harmless fall”
“Hatred is exhausting. You must constantly remind yourself why you hate someone and waste needless energy to keep hating them.Forgiveness; you only need to do it once!”
“Make your friends a priority, so they are not lost to the black hole of a busy, hurried life.”
“And yet, now that years have passed, I recall it and wonder that it could distress me so much. It will be the same thing, too, with this trouble. Time will go by and I shall not mind about this either.”
“We spend a huge chunk of our lives worrying about whether or not we will eventually get the person and/or the things we need or want. Once we get them, we spend the rest of our lives worrying about whether or not we will eventually lose them.”
“Goals and plans are fine, and they can often be effective motivators, but success promises something it can’t deliver. As soon as you reach your goal, success creates a new one, which creates new anxieties and stresses.”
“Take a break from the stresses of life and use that time to rediscover the important things that matter to you most. We all deserve an anti-stress day to recharge our batteries.”
“Overworking is the Black Plague of the 21st Century.”
“The woman recovering from abuse or other stressful life situations may feel she’s in no way in charge of anything, least of all her own world. She faces the horse with trepidation. The horse senses the fear and becomes tense and concerned. The wise instructor starts small. The woman is handed a soft brush and sent to fuss over the horse. It’s pointed out that if she stands close to the animal, she will be out of range of a well-aimed kick. She is warned to watch for tell-tale signs of fear in herself and the horse. She’s warned to keep her feet out from under the horse’s stomping hoof. They’re both allowed to back away and regroup and try again until they reach an accord regarding personal space. Calm prevails, and within a few minutes, hours or sessions, interaction becomes friendship. It happens almost every time a woman is allowed enough time and space to work through the situation.So a woman whose daily life is overwhelming her learns to step back. Is this a cure for her endless problems? Of course not. Simple is not simplistic.”
“Take up a hobby and bring back the passion in life. Don’t let stress creep in to cause you mayhem and strife.”
“Exercise is not a chore! Improving your health and well-being should be something you enjoy, in combating stress, so be sure to always have fun whilst doing it.”
“We all have problems. Or rather, everyone has at least one thing that they regard as a problem.”
“…we fail to live in the moment. We miss the laughter, beauty and joy in our midst, trading them for stress, frustration, anxiety and anger. We forge ahead consumed with the destination while missing the journey. In a sense, we’re taking God’s precious gift of presence and time and telling Him it isn’t what we want, that we don’t have the time.”
“A premature death does not only rob one of the countless instances where one would have experienced pleasure, it also saves one from the innumerable instances where one would have experienced pain.”