“To Be Filled With The Knowledge Of God’s Glory Is To Be As The Water Cover The Sea”

“The Glory Of God Is The Eternal Heartbeat Of God”

“Let’s stop glorifying the devil, giving him power that he does not deserve or have.”

“If we could be humble enough to submit our passions, sentiments and even weaknesses to God Almighty, he would successfully convert them to something positive that would eventually glorify Him.”

“Odysseus inclines his head. “True. But fame is a strange thing. Some men gain glory after they die, while others fade. What is admired in one generation is abhorred in another.” He spread his broad hands. “We cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory. Who knows?” He smiles. “Perhaps one day even I will be famous. Perhaps more famous than you.”

“There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations – these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously – no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption. And our charity must be real and costly love, with deep feelings for the sins in spite of which we love the sinner – no mere tolerance, or indulgence which parodies love as flippancy parodies merriment. Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbour is the holiest object presented to your senses … for in him also Christ ‘vere latitat’ – the glorifier and the glorified, Glory Himself, is truly hidden.”

“Don’t envy results, seek to know the process. Don’t want a man’s glory till you hear his story. Sometimes what you see is not even the destination, it’s just the current location but the result of a long journey. God sometimes would bring you to a point where it is much more than the gift…He captures your heart. My friend, not everything in the kingdom is a gift, somethings are rewards.”

“A seeker of radical strenght Keeps everything on track, Feeble force yields at length, Not sure where to go back. When one can’t find courage, And all the efforts seem vain, It’s advised to fight like a sage: Be powerful like a bullet train! Too much work and no play Can make a brain go astray! Determined to live and stay Can lead life into a long way.”

“The grandeur of God, the glory of His majesty.”

“It’s a matter of time. That’s all it is. For God will allow mankind to fall to its own demise so that God can raise us up to His glory. For the farther the fall, the more miraculous the ascent.”

“Glory is the sunshine of the dead”

“It is a great truth that you will rise again. It is a sweeter truth that you will “always be with the Lord.” Whatever else you draw comfort from, neglect not this deep, clear, and over-flowing well of delight. There are other sources of good cheer in connection with the glory to be revealed, for heaven is a many-sided joy, but still none can excel the glory of communion with Jesus Christ, wherefore comfort one another in the first place and most constantly, with these words, “So we will always be with the Lord.”

“The past is a novel, written by Fate, weaving the same themes: love and its glory, hate and its prisoners, the soul and its price. Our decisions become narratives: fated choices that unknowably change the course of the living river. In the present, where decisions and connections are made, Fate waits on the riverbank of Story, leaving us to our mistakes and miracles, because it’s our will alone that leads us to one or the other.”

“Think of the glory. Think of your reputation. Think how great it’ll look on your next resume.”On my cenotaph, you mean. Nobody will be able to collect enough of my scattered atoms to bury. You going to cover my funeral expenses, son?”Splendidly. Banners, dancing girls, and enough beer to float your coffin to Valhalla.”- Miles coaxing Ky Tung to agree to an almost suicidal mission”

“He will know from and early age that failure is not disgrace. It’s just a pitch that you missed, and you’d better get ready for the next one. The next one might be the shot heard round the world. My son and I are Americans, we prepare for glory by failing until we don’t.”