“Business has two ‘children’. One is called ‘loss’ and the other ‘profit’. No one likes the one called ‘loss’, but both are indeed there. They are born together.”

“From the time one gets married he tries to improve his wife, but neither of the two improves till death. Instead, if you would have tried to cut vegetables, it would have been done (with success.) So do not try to improve the wife. She may try to improve us [men] but we should not try to reform them.”

“Due to your merit karma, your efforts will bring you success and when the merit karma is expended, your efforts will bring in losses.”

“Your success in worldly life (sansar) is in proportion to your faith and truthfulness!”

“Whatever knowledge a person acquires, that is how one ends up functioning. If right knowledge is acquired, then that is how one functions.”

“The result of external penance and renunciation is worldly life, meaning that one acquires material pleasures and gradually one even attains the path to liberation. However, there is no liberation without Knowledge of the Self (Atma Gnan).”