“Another method of handling a perceived negative energy is to temporarily remove yourself emotionally and physically, from the situation.”

“Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.”

“Sin is like mold—the longer it lives, the blacker it becomes. And spores can’t be avoided. Never.”

“Everything is nothing.”

“Geyer and Gary looked at each other and wearily sat down. All the weeks of travel in the hottest months of the year investigating lead after lead, alternating between faith, hope, discouragement, and despair.”

“مهما تقلبت الامور امامك، اذا استمريت بأن تتفاعل مع كل شيئ تسمعه بإسلوب مشجون بالعاطفة فستتألم كل مرة. لأن القوة الحقيقة بكل مجلس هو ان تتمعن بكل شيء من نظرة منطقية، وان تضبط نفسك مهما حدث او قيل امامك…. لانه اذا كانت كلمات الاخرين تسيطر عليك فهذا يعني ان الاخرين يسيطرون عليك…. تمهل بكل شيء فالوقت حليفك ودواء لكل داء…..”

“Even before we met and long after we’re both gone, my heart lives inside of yours. I’m forever and ever in love with you.”

“Writing is the emotional morphine.”

“Marry me he said voice full of emotion. Be my soul mate my friend and my lover as long as we both live. Make babies with me that have curly hair and big brown eyes. Grow old with me and we’ll watch the sun set together in the evenings. And when I leave this world I’ll be happy knowing I was the best man I could be for having loved you.”

“One hand was behind his back, and he held it out, presenting a bouquet of white and smoky purple lilies. “They’re straight from the underworld, by the way. They are everlasting. They won’t die.”

“I’ll use the blood from my spilling heart to write the words that were never able to slip out of my mouth, so you can see how much you’ve broken me into a perpetual state of melancholy.”

“I know that your heart is broken and I know that no words will repair that. I know how hard that is and I know it will never be the same again. But I also know what kind of person you are and how you deal with life.My friend, love is not how many times the words “I love you” have been said and it is not the long night talks or the going outs. Those add to the value of love but those are not ‘love’. A good friend can offer you those. I know, love isn’t meant to be easy but knowing what to defend and what to stand for is what defines love and what defines a person you can depend on. No one should use or abuse a relationship in any way.Knowing a person will choose you over anything else. Knowing that you can sleep safe because you have someone who will fight the world to choose you. That is Love.So, dear friend, let him leave because you deserve someone who wants to stay and who is willing to fight for it.”

“When someone you love dies, you are given the gift of “second chances”. Their eulogy is a reminder that the living can turn their lives around at any point. You’re not bound by the past; that is who you used to be. You’re reminded that your feelings are not who you are, but how you felt at that moment. Your bad choices defined you yesterday, but they are not who you are today. Your future doesn’t have to travel the same path with the same people. You can start over. You don’t have to apologize to people that won’t listen. You don’t have to justify your feelings or actions, during a difficult time in your life. You don’t have to put up with people that are insecure and want you to fail. All you have to do is walk forward with a positive outlook, and trust that God has a plan that is greater than the sorrow you left behind. The people of quality that were meant to be in your life won’t need you to explain the beauty of your heart. They already understand what being human is—-a roller coaster ride of emotions during rainstorms and sunshine, sprinkled with moments when you can almost reach the stars.”

“…But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside. The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis—as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting. Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace.”