All Quotes By Tag: Moksha
“Unity does not exist in the world. Only when the Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] grants moksha [liberation], does unity arise. Unity cannot prevail without Gnan [knowledge of the self].”
“There are two types of knowledge. One is about what is right and wrong, what is helpful and harmful in this world, and the second is about the path to final Liberation (Moksha). The one who attains the knowledge about Moksha will indeed get the knowledge about what is helpful and harmful in the world. Or else, there should be saints around who know about what is helpful and harmful in this world.”
“Gnan’ [True Knowledge, Knowledge of one’s own self], is freedom itself. It keeps one in Moksha [liberated state] and prevents [karmic] bondage.”
“Worship without ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] will give material pleasures in the world and worship accompanied by ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] is known as ‘Gnan’ [True Knowledge] which gives the result of moksha [ultimate liberation].”
“I believe from the bottom of my heart that what we call religion is the very most important matter for human beings. I cannot stress enough that the ultimate goal of religion, whether we call it satori or peace of mind, is for each individual to live in peace and tranquility, to live a full and satisfying life.”
“He who observes the Prakruti (Relative Self) is Purush (The Real Self, Soul). He who has finished observing the Prakruti is the Parmatma (Absolute Supreme Soul).”
“Gnan’ (knowledge) may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have Gnan but lack ‘correctness’; you will attain moksha (liberation), but others will not gain any benefit!”
“What is pudgal (non-Self complex made up of mind-speech-body)? It is influx and outflow; it is credit and debit. And if you ‘know’ the Soul (get Self-realized), you will attain liberation.”
“One has to ‘do’ for worldly happiness, for material happiness. However, one does not have to ‘do’ anything for liberation (moksha) or to attain God. Yet what do the people of the present times teach? ‘Do’, ‘do’, ‘do’.”
“This is indeed the nature of worldly life, isn’t it? We anticipate happiness in old age. But in old age we develop severe back pain, which will not let us sit peacefully. That is why people are searching for moksha [ultimate liberation]; once we reach our own place, there will be no problems, right?”
“The result of external penance and renunciation is worldly life, meaning that one acquires material pleasures and gradually one even attains the path to liberation. However, there is no liberation without Knowledge of the Self (Atma Gnan).”