All Quotes By Tag: Self-and-non-self
“The Soul [the Real Self] and the Gnan [True Knowledge] are always present in crowds, not in solitude. There is peace in solitude, not the (true) knowledge.”
“Scriptural knowledge is achetan (inanimate; lifeless), nevertheless it still it takes one towards chetan (animate, the eternal pure Soul). And Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] Knowledge is Chetan [animate]. When one attains the Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] Knowledge, that Knowledge itself will continue to do all the work.”
“The Soul (our true Self) has to be experienced, the Soul known through scriptures will not do. Work will not be completed through scriptural knowledge, work will be completed through experiential knowledge.”
“In the state of Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), the Atma (Self) is the non-doer (akarta), in the state of ignorance of the Self, Atma (Self) is the doer (karta).”
“When certain circumstances of the body tend to happen, the time for insolvency begins. Everything indeed is going to go into insolvency. Therefore You should get your work done. As long as this ‘shop’ (the body) exists, complete all your transactions.”
“He who observes the Prakruti (Relative Self) is Purush (The Real Self, Soul). He who has finished observing the Prakruti is the Parmatma (Absolute Supreme Soul).”
“The ‘Knowledge’ that does not let you mix [be one] with the non-Self [Anatma], that ‘Knowledge’ is itself the Soul [Atma, the Pure Self].”
“Gnan’ (knowledge) may be there but ‘correctness’ is required along with it. If you have Gnan but lack ‘correctness’; you will attain moksha (liberation), but others will not gain any benefit!”
“Nature” is another name for the miracles that are so commonplace in our lives that we take for granted and have grown used to seeing them.”
“This is indeed the nature of worldly life, isn’t it? We anticipate happiness in old age. But in old age we develop severe back pain, which will not let us sit peacefully. That is why people are searching for moksha [ultimate liberation]; once we reach our own place, there will be no problems, right?”
“The nature of the Atma, the Self (Soul) is bliss indeed. So it does not want unpleasant feelings at all, does it? Every living being will not favor unpleasant feelings and will move away from that place! We should grasp the ultimate talk (understanding). Treat favorable (pleasant) and unfavorable (unpleasant) as being one and the same.”
“Real Soul [Self, Atma] sees everyone as without faults (nirdosh). Therefore there is no such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ there. When others are seen as faultless, bliss arises.”