“Scriptural knowledge is achetan (inanimate; lifeless), nevertheless it still it takes one towards chetan (animate, the eternal pure Soul). And Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] Knowledge is Chetan [animate]. When one attains the Gnani’s [the enlightened one’s] Knowledge, that Knowledge itself will continue to do all the work.”

“Moksha is indeed one’s own nature. When (one’s) knowledge-vision-conduct become enlightened (samayak,becomes right), that is called moksha.”

“Where Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) prevails and where dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) reaches its pinnacle, that is when the state of absolute detachment (vitaraagata) arises. To not harbor any attachment-abhorrence (raag-dwesh) where the world experiences attachment-abhorrence is considered the state of absolute detachment.”

“The world is not an impediment, it is your ignorance (of the Self) that impedes you. When does ignorance (of the Self) leave? It leaves through the Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) that the Gnani Purush gives. What should the Knowledge of the Gnani Purush be like? It should be science (Vignan). Vignan is animate (chetan), whereas knowledge is inanimate (achetan). The knowledge that is prevailing in the world is achetan. Achetan means that it cannot work on its own from within (kriyakari) whereas this (Knowledge of the Self) is science. Science constantly keeps working on its own, You do not have to do anything.”

“We’ (Gnani Purush) have Seen the facts as they are, in our Knowledge, and that is what I speak about. There is no superior father figure who binds one. Agnan (ignorance) binds and Gnan (Knowledge of the Self), will liberate. The ignorance that binds is everywhere, whereas the Knowledge that liberates can only be obtained if one comes across a Gnani Purush!”

“The foundation of this world is indeed knowledge (gnan). It is on the basis of knowledge that living beings function! Is it Knowledge (Gnan) or ignorance (aGnan)? Ignorance too is knowledge indeed. It is the Gnani (the enlightened one) who has differentiated between the two. Otherwise, whatever knowledge a living being has, it simply functions according to that knowledge. Therefore, it is indeed knowledge that runs this world.”

“It is knowledge (gnan) indeed that runs everything. All the actions (kriyao) are actually carried out by the knowledge (gnan). The result of following according to what the Gnani’s have said is cessation of worldly intents (virati)! And the result of worldly knowledge is continuation of worldly intents (avirati)!”

“When can one really say that pudgal (non-Self complex of input and output) is the doer? It is after one attains Self-realization. Otherwise, he would go in the wrong direction. After attaining Self-realization, as one prevails in the Gnani’s Agna (five directives that preserve the awareness as the Self in Akram Vignan), only after that is the pudgal considered as the doer of everything, and only then can it be considered that You [as the Self] are not liable. If one were to say this [the pudgal is the doer] without that [Self-realization and prevailing in the Gnani’s Agna] then everyone would go on the wrong path.  ”

“Additional (excessive) knowledge’ [vishesh gnan] will lead to interference, and ‘basic knowledge’ [samanya gnan] will lead to a state of non-attachment (vitaraagta).”