All Quotes By Tag: Spirituality-quotes
“The universe is a masterpiece but is of little value to the blind.”
“Fear is a poison that contaminates the heart; hate is venom that kills the soul.”
“Light is the sun’s footprints.”
“Amidst the world’s trash is sometimes where you will find God’s treasure.”
“Your mind is heavenly when it thinks love. Your heart is divine when it feels love. Your soul is transcendent when it gives love.”
“Your humanity is a stepping stone to your divinity.”
“Love overcomes bitterness,overpowers sorrow,overwhelms anger,and overthrows hatred.Medicine heals the body,faith heals the heart,wisdom heals the mind,and love heals the soul.”
“You are a gift to the world, and the world is God’s gift to you.”
“Light conquers darkness with its eyes closed, but darkness cannot even face light with both eyes open.”
“If you cannot appreciate the sky, you cannot appreciate the stars.If you cannot appreciate the stars, you cannot appreciate the universe.If you cannot appreciate the universe, you cannot appreciate nature.If you cannot appreciate nature, you cannot appreciate people.If you cannot appreciate people, you cannot appreciate God.”
“Light conquers darkness with its eyes closed, but darkness cannot even face light with both its eyes open.”
“Light helps even those who hate it; darkness harms even those who love it.”
“When light walks in darkness sprints out.”
“As you light another’s path you are lighting your own.”
“Light helps even those who shun it; darkness harms even those who embrace it.”