All Quotes By Tag: Inner-beauty-quotes
“Her outer beauty is just a bonus, but it is her inner beauty that’s most captivating. She’s loving, caring, kindhearted, empathetic, and genuine. She’s comfortable in her own skin, therefore, she’s able to compliment, celebrate, and build up others around her. She’s a quality Woman with a strong sense of self! She doesn’t need the spotlight, because she is the light wherever she goes. Smart, confident, ambitious, and fearless… Beautifully created from the inside out.”
“Her INNER BEAUTY is what makes her outer beauty exquisitely beautiful.”
“You are a gift to the world, and the world is God’s gift to you.”
“If you see the beauty in others, God will bestow His beauty in you.”
“The world is full of many wonders; you are one of them.”
“Just as a candle is useless until you light it, so a man is useless until the fire inside his soul is lit.”
“The most expensive things are not on you, around you, or above you, but within you.”
“If you see the beauty inside of others, it will be easier to see the beauty inside of yourself.”
“You can buy beauty products for your face but you cannot buy beauty products for your soul.”
“You know a woman is truly special when the most beautiful thing she has on is her soul.”
“You recognize your lower self when you look in a mirror, but only recognize your higher self when you look inside your soul.”
“If you look for beauty outside of yourself, you will look forever. If you search for it inside, you will find it in an instant.”
“The most important person you meet in life is your higher self.”