All Quotes By Tag: People-nature
“Were I but perfectly normal, I would just not be.”
“All humans are rogues. Cured only by death.”
“As per the law of karma, that which is your meat today, this dear beloved animal will make mincemeat of you tomorrow. In another birth.”
“Killing or eating animals is an act of beasts. Stirs within the devil. Sorry. It spurs evil. Thus is truth – at least the metaphysical.”
“People see what they want to see. People say what they like to say. People hear what they always try to listen. People always in busy to put you down or break you down. They won’t give you the courage to go ahead. They always after you and try their best to end you. But never give up. Never let yourself down. You should and must keep it in your mind.”
“Most people just do not give a crap. Especially about you. It is not because you’re crap. Mostly it is so because they are. So, you’re better than them. Yeah! Now, give a crap!”
“There is only one thing you can do on earth. Be yourself. Hopefully being good, and not a hood. So, be you! Everyone else is taken, grandstanding with their own silly self.”
“We are all born idiots. Most of us never become any better. Hence, idiotically we live, die too in the same state as we were born . O’ wise one, be not one of them!”
“Humans for most part are boorish, boastful, and beasts. They’re pretentious, piss-full, pussy-led and penis-full as their priests.”