All Quotes By Tag: Soul
“O the joy of my spirit–it is uncaged–it darts like lightning!It is not enough to have this globe or a certain time,I will have thousands of globes and all time.”
“Not too long ago thousands spent their lives as recluses to find spiritual vision in the solitude of nature. Modern man need not become a hermit to achieve this goal, for it is neither ecstasy nor world-estranged mysticism his era demands, but a balance between quantitative and qualitative reality. Modern man, with his reduced capacity for intuitive perception, is unlikely to benefit from the contemplative life of a hermit in the wilderness. But what he can do is to give undivided attention, at times, to a natural phenomenon, observing it in detail, and recalling all the scientific facts about it he may remember. Gradually, however, he must silence his thoughts and, for moments at least, forget all his personal cares and desires, until nothing remains in his soul but awe for the miracle before him. Such efforts are like journeys beyond the boundaries of narrow self-love and, although the process of intuitive awakening is laborious and slow, its rewards are noticeable from the very first. If pursued through the course of years, something will begin to stir in the human soul, a sense of kinship with the forces of life consciousness which rule the world of plants and animals, and with the powers which determine the laws of matter. While analytical intellect may well be called the most precious fruit of the Modern Age, it must not be allowed to rule supreme in matters of cognition. If science is to bring happiness and real progress to the world, it needs the warmth of man’s heart just as much as the cold inquisitiveness of his brain.”
“I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am, also, much more than that. So are we all.”
“If we could just look into the SOUL of another human being, and not look at the color of their skin, see past their religious beliefs, we would surely see that the same GOD resides within us all”
“How can we sleep when our soul is lit from within?”
“….Charles laughingly observed,’Gospel and the blues are really, if you break it down, almost the same thing. It’s just a question of whether you’re talkin’ about a woman or God.”
“The soul … has a slow and dark birth, more mysterious than the birth of the body. When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets.”
“A good writer is also an avid reader. A good reader is also a vivid dreamer. A good dreamer is also a good learner. And a good learner is definitely a good listener. A good listener is always looking to what the heart speaks. A spoken heart talks directly to a silent soul. And a silent soul is most of the time in pace with a peaceful thought. A peaceful thought is also a good writer…”
“Old soul. Poet’s heart. Warriors mind.”
“She’s not stumbling, she’s not lost. She’s simply romancing her inner animal and falling in love with the wild part of her soul.”
“Your soul is so bohemian, free and gypsy wild. Come swim with me in the calming sea, let’s be mermaids for awhile.”
“While you were busy working on your ego, she was busy working on her soul.”
“I feel it in my heart, I see it past my eyes, I hear it coming from my soul, my dreams are there, waiting, for me to reach out and touch them. I need to be brave, I need to grab hold.”
“You know that thingYou do so well,That little sparkYou hideIn the dark,That you thinkNobodyKnowsAboutButYou?Well,Did you knowThatThere’sA sheenThat you beam,When you talkOr doAnything,That everyoneKnowsAboutButYou?SOUL SHINE by Suzy KassemRISE UP AND SALUTE THE SUN, 2010”
“Love heals all illness of the soul.”