“We are all artists in this life and our only job is to create from the space within our soul.”

“I am the girl that goes backwards, takes wrong turns, stumbles in life’s chasms. I am also the girl that finds gold where others feared to stray. Perhaps because I follow my heart, instead of sage advice thrown my way.”

“You’ve got to plant flowers in the center of your soul if you want to bloom.”

“you have the sweetest of all music in your soul just now.”

“Write from the soul, not from some notion about what you think the marketplace wants.The market is fickle; the soul is eternal’.”

“Reading feeds the soul, writing nourishes it!”

“Sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilihat bukan berrati tidak ada dan tidak nyata”

“Obviously, a rigid, blinkered, absolutist world view is the easiest to keep hold of, whereas the fluid, uncertain, metamorphic picture I’ve always carried about is rather more vulnerable. Yet I must cling with all my might to … my own soul; must hold on to its mischievous, iconoclastic, out-of-step clown-instincts, no matter how great the storm. And if that plunges me into contradiction and paradox, so be it; I’ve lived in that messy ocean all my life. I’ve fished in it for my art. This turbulent sea was the sea outside my bedroom window in Bombay. It is the sea by which I was born, and which I carry within me wherever I go.”

“Tis not what you crave that feeds your soul…Tis my sunshine right after the rainWhen my ravishing rays unfold.”

“انسان به میزان برخورداری هایی که در زندگی دارد، انسان نیست، بلکه درست به انداره ی نیازهایی که در خویش احساس می کند انسان است.”

“مذهب اگر پیش از مرگ به کار نیاید پس از مرگ به هیچ کار نخواهد آمد.”

“نیایش در طول تاریخ، یک عامل بزرگ تلطیف روح آدمی است.”

“The thick baffling blades of false world customs rip off my views and ideas,like breaking every string of my aesthetic thoughts in disdain and jealousy;pain pain enough your tigrine roars before I die.”