“Let thy sacred heart be thy holy home.”

“Every house is built by a man. But Maker is the Builder of life.”

“The house gulped in a big breath of fresh air, like some frantic drowning thing breaking the water’s surface and gasping for life. It had sat unopened for so long, suffocating in the silence, it’s memories blanketed by a thick layer of dust.”

“All sorts of strange people were around, people who looked more at home than she was, even the homeless ones who spoke no English, more at home maybe because they were younger, and when she went out it seemed to her that she too had migrated, that everyone migrates, even if we stay in the same houses our whole lives, because we can’t help it.We are all migrants through time.”

“You become a house where the wind blows straight through, because no one bothers the crack in the window or lock on the door, and you’re the house where people come and go as they please, because you’re simply too unimpressed to care. You let people in who you really shouldn’t let in, and you let them walk around for a while, use your bed and use your books, and await the day when they simply get bored and leave. You’re still not bothered, though you knew they shouldn’t have been let in in the first place, but still you just sit there, apathetic like a beggar in the desert.”

“Every corner and room of a house will carry memories, make these the most pleasurable times you shared with your family.”

“He’s waiting for yu, young queen.’Shocked, I stared at Seoras. ‘Heath?’The Warrior’s look was wise and understanding – his voice gentle. ‘Aye, yur Heath probably does await you somewhere in the future, but it is of your Guardian I speak.”