“I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid not to live.”

“Sometimes, what we need the most is the strength to survive in this world. Which forces us to pay, to watch the demons destroy the paradises we built and dance on its ruins.”

“I used to worry about tomorrow, but that was before I survived yesterday. Now it’s one breath at a time.”

“Every living thing requires love to survive for without it, we die.”

“with hope, you can survive any shock.”

“Cancer gave me an understanding of the point of all this. To survive. Most of our lives it is easy but for the moments when it becomes difficult, when accident or sickness or sadness strikes, it’s just about remembering one thing. You must simply survive.”

“Mad Eye’ Moody on the Avada Kedavra curse: “Not nice,” he said calmly. “Not pleasant. And there’s no counter curse. There’s no blocking it. Only one known person has ever survived it, and he’s sitting right in front of me.”

“When walking alone in a jungle of true darkness, there are three things that can show you the way: instinct to survive, the knowledge of navigation, creative imagination. Without them, you are lost.”

“Would you like to know your future?If your answer is yes, think again. Not knowing is the greatest life motivator.So enjoy, endure, survive each moment as it comes to you in its proper sequence — a surprise.”

“Love without hope will not survive.Love without faith changes nothing.Love gives power to hope and faith.”

“The only way to heal from the pain of the past is to walk through that pain in the present. It’s terrifying, I know. It feels safer to just let the pain continue to smolder in the darkest parts of yourself. But the dark parts need tending, too, my friend. Don’t be afraid to breathe life back into those embers of old pain, to rekindle the fires of unhealed hurts. The flames aren’t there to burn you. They are there to light your way through pain to healing. You can walk through courageous and confident or shaking in your boots. It doesn’t matter. Just walk through it. Hurt will transform into hope, wounds into wisdom, suffering into scars that tell of battles won and lost and of a human who survived it all.”

“Survive, because of the fire that burns withinIt sits inside you and melts through painAnd lights the shadows with embers of loveSurvive because your heart makes you greatIt beats the rhythm to your bones And sings lullabies to your soulSurvive because your strength lies in all you overcome It shakes you to lift you and take you bravely home”