“…and when the world tells you to lower your head and submit in silence to how things are and always will be, lift your voice instead and sing bravely of how things can and should and will be, because that song is why you are here.”

“Leave a trail of light behind youEverywhere you go. Whose darkness you’ll illuminateYou may never know.”

“If this past election and our present political, social, and environmental upheavals have done nothing else, they have inspired a new generation of thinkers. From poets to activists to journalists to scholars, the raw and gritty realities we face as a nation and as global citizens are being exposed, dissected, and examined. Freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and the right to peacefully protest are not the luxuries of a free society, they are the defenders,supporters, and protectors of a free society. They are what make a free society possible. The solutions to our problems will no doubt be lengthy, complex, and difficult, but a generation awakened from the lethal sleep of apathy is a beginning. And that offers true hope for our future.”

“Healing a hurting humanity starts with a sacred pause, to listen, to learn, to understand, to accept, to forgive, to respect. That sacred pause transcends the fear-driven brutality of the primitive human survival intinct and makes way for a thoughtful, intentional, peaceful, humane response. Peaceful coexistence on this lovely planet is not impossible. It is imperative. Our future, our humanity, our very survival depends on it.”

“The strength of a nation rests on its future, and its future rests in the hands of its children. True strength is forged in gentleness, guided by wisdom, and steeped in peace. Growing the next generation with gentleness, wisdom, and peace begins by recognizing that we are citizens of the world, that every human matters, and that our children learn how to treat the world by how we treat them. To be a nation at peace, we must treat all humans peacefully and raise peaceful humans. The only path to peace is peace.”

“Here’s to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world. They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself. They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. Look for them in this present darkness. Light your candle with their flame. And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands. Bring light to a dark and desperate world. Be the hero you are looking for. Peace is possible. It begins with us.”

“When life feels too big to handle, go outside. Everything looks smaller when you’re standing under the sky.”

“This world is teetering on a knife’s edge. Light and darkness. Good and evil. Battling for supremacy. Every light bravely flickering in the deep darkness of inhumanity shifts the balance of the universe toward good. That light is you.”

“Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can shatter souls. Choose carefully the words you say to others. Choose wisely the words you say to yourself. Words have a way of becoming truths we believe about ourselves. And what we believe, we become.”

“True strength is forged in gentleness, guided by wisdom, and steeped in peace.”

“Strength is like the windnow raging with the fierceness of a hurricanedetermined to overcome any obstacle in its pathnow vanishing into a breath-stealing stillnesswhen life hits too hard and the soul gasps for reliefnow stirring softly to whisper that it’s okayto struggle, to fail, to suffer, to restbecause life goes onand strength will eventually rise againto carry us through…just maybe not right now.”

“If we slow down and take the time to listen every soul we encounter can teach us something new. Wisdom comes in every shape and size and color and language and form imaginable. The only true limitation is our own inability to see and hear and understand the infinite beauty and wisdom of the human spirit, regardless of its packaging.”

“Namastemeans that my soul acknowledges yours -not just your light,your wisdom, your goodness,but also your darkness,your suffering, your imperfections.It is a recognitionand acceptance ofthe inexplicabledivine absurdity,the miraculous woveninto the ordinary,light and darknessintimately entwinedin magical, messyhumanity. It means that I honorall that you arewith all that I am.So, namaste, my fellow travelers.I’m so glad we’re on this trek through the universe together.”

“The secret to loving others despite their imperfections is loving ourselves despite ours.”

“Healing old hurts can only begin when the children we once were feel safe enough to speak their hearts to the adults we are now.”