“Stop expecting your kids to chase their dreams, respect themselves, forgive themselves, love themselves… if they spent a lifetime watching you do the opposite for yourself.”

“Many a parent, sad to say, has used their child as an opportunity for them, the parent, to do, through their child, something or some of the things that they, the parent, did not do or did not do successfully.”

“Ukiitwa mtoto kidini ina maana una imani na unyenyekevu mbele ya Mungu, kama ambavyo mtoto ana imani na unyenyekevu mbele ya mzazi wake. Lakini ukiitwa mtoto kidunia watu watakudharau.”

“Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can shatter souls. Choose carefully the words you say to others. Choose wisely the words you say to yourself. Words have a way of becoming truths we believe about ourselves. And what we believe, we become.”

“The Dream I Dream For You, My Child…I hope you search for four-leaf clovers,grin back at Cheshire moons,breathe in the springtime breezes,and dance with summer loons.I hope you gaze in wide-eyed wonderat the buzzing fireflyand rest beneath the sunlit treesas butterflies fly by.I hope you gather simple treasuresof pebbles, twigs, and leavesand marvel at the fragile webthe tiny spider weaves.I hope you read poetry and fairy talesand sing silly, made-up songs,and pretend to be a superherorighting this world’s wrongs.I hope your days are filled with magicand your nights with happy dreams,and you grow up knowing that happiness is found in simple things.The dream I dream for you, my child,as you discover, learn, and grow,is that you find these simple joyswherever in life you go.”

“For if the nature of the story is such that my mother left me with deficits and scars, I can know that the nature of God is such that He will leave me blessings and health.”

“As your heart goes, so goes your family! If your heart isn’t right, no child raising system, rules, or gimmicks will ever work. As your heart goes, so goes your parenting!”

“I love you beyond paint, beyond melodies, beyond words. And I hope you will always feel that, even when I’m not around to tell you so.”

“Live your life. Be happy as you can be, let go of the things that don’t matter, and fight.”