“I’ve made a New Year’s resolution – to find my birth mother. It’s not as though I felt I lacked anything growing up, but I need answers. Why did my birth mother give me up? I might be thirty years old, but the rejection still hurts; wasn’t I good enough?”

“Adoption: Every Child a Wanted Child… There are 143 million orphans in the world waiting for someone to want them. Could one of them be waiting for you?”

“I reached down and picked up a baseball bat at my feet and I flung it as hard as it could. It circled and arced high in the air until it slammed against the side of the dining hall with a crack and fell.I sat down in the dirt. Then I lay down in the dirt.Because not only was there no trail to follow, there was no evidence he’d ever been here.There was no evidence any of them had been here.”

“What is less often noticed is that it is precisely the kind of moral instruction that parents are constantly trying to give their children — concrete, imaginative, teaching general principles from particular instances, and seeking all the time to bring the children to appreciate and share the parent’s own attitudes and view of life… The all-embracing principles of conduct”