“I cannot believe the path to victory lies in staining our souls so black we become indistinguishable from those we fight.”

“You have enemies the moment you have success. Our job is finding a way to do business with them. Everyone wants something.”

“Our successes are seldom as sweet as our enemies’ failures.”

“Confronting your enemy in anger feeds your ego, but diminishes your chance of success.”

“You cannot continue to hate someone without repeatedly wasting, on them, some of your precious time and mental energy.”

“After long enough, everyone in the world will be you enemy.”

“As we all know, as if forever exploiting or attempting to exploit each other were not enough, a group of sane human beings who have just reached the end of a war against a common enemy of theirs will sooner or later start or continue killing and/or fighting against each other.”

“An enemy is like a man’s most prized flower. It brings him joy to see it buried in the ground.”

“Our failures are way less likely than our successes to be ignored by our enemies.”

“I do believe, induced by potent circumstancesThat thou art mine enemy.”

“If you love everyone you meet, how can you find an enemy?”

“Don’t make anger your friend. Make her your enemy, and never see her again.”

“Christian love draws no distinction between one enemy and another, except that the more bitter our enemy’s hatred, the greater his need of love. Be his enmity political or religious, he has nothing to expect from a follower of Jesus but unqualified love. In such love there is not inner discord between the private person and official capacity. In both we are disciples of Christ, or we are not Christians at all.”