“The voice says, maybe you don’t go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don’t do. The things you don’t finish.”

“After long enough, everyone in the world will be you enemy.”

“By the time you’re thirty, your worst enemy is yourself.”

“Centuries ago, sailors on long voyages used to leave a pair of pigs on every deserted island. Or they’d leave a pair of goats. Either way, on any future visit, the island would be a source of meat. These islands, they were pristine. These were home to breeds of birds with no natural predators. Breeds of birds that lived nowhere else on earth. The plants there, without enemies they evolved without thorns or poisons. Without predators and enemies, these islands, they were paradise. The sailors, the next time they visited these islands, the only things still there would be herds of goats or pigs. Oyster is telling this story. The sailors called this “seeding meat.” Oyster says, “Does this remind you of anything? Maybe the ol’ Adam and Eve story?” Looking out the car window, he says, “You ever wonder when God’s coming back with a lot of barbecue sauce?”

“For official record, if become bankrupt old retail distribution centers-labeled supermega, so-enlarged foodstuff market- later reincarnate to become worship shrine. First sell food-stuff, next then same structure sell battered furnitures, next now born as gymnasium club, next broker flea markets, only at final end of life…sell religions.”

“Le stelle in cieloNon conoscono l’iraBla, bla, bla, fine”

“إن الناس إذا أعتقدوا أن تحتضر ، يعطونك كامل اهتمامهم .. إذا كانت هذه هي آخر مرة يرونك فيها يرونك حقًا .. وينسون كل شيء آخر عن دفاتر شيكاتهم وأغاني الراديو و العناية بشعرهم . إنك تظهر باهتمامهم الكامل ..”

“The shortest distance between two points is a time line, a schedule, a map of your time, the itinerary for the rest of your life.Nothing shows you the straight line from here to death like a list.”

“Believe in me and you shall die, forever.”

“Only in death will we have our own names since only in death are we no longer part of the effort. In death we become heroes.”

“The amazing miracle of death, when one second you’re walking and talking, and the next second you’re an object.”

“Someday you will die, and until you know that, you’re useless to me.”

“The lucky ones are just born dead.”

“There’s still a thousand places I haven’t gone to die.”

“In Hell, hope is a really, really bad habit, like smoking cigarettes or fingernail biting. Hope is something really tough and tenacious you have to give up. It’s an addiction to break.”