“Si on ne fait pas violence aux textes, on fait violence aux hommes.”

“The fact that religions, which usually have at their core a promotion of tolerance and peace, have been exploited to carry out violence clearly indicates that individuals and groups have not discovered the true “peace message” that is inherent in almost every religion. (by Cilliers, Ch. 3, p. 55)”

“America isn’t perfect but there’s not a better place in the world for people of any faith.”

“All at once he feels weary of ganefs and prophets, guns and sacrifices and the infinite gangster weight of God. He’s tired of hearing about the promised land and the inevitable bloodshed required for its redemption.”

“It shocked his sense of dramatic economy that they should have to resort to violence when the same result could have been obtained by a minimum expenditure of energy.”

“Creativity and intelligence, rather than violence, are the best problem solvers.”

“It is brutal. Only I never could see the sense in having folks look at your tombstone and say, ‘He was a man who didn’t believe in violence, He’s a good man… and dead.”

“That’s my town,’ Joaquin said. ‘What a fine town, but how the buena gente, the good people of that town, have suffered in this war.’ Then, his face grave, ‘There they shot my father. My mother. My brother-in-law and now my sister.’ ‘What barbarians,’ Robert Jordan said. How many times had he heard this? How many times had he watched people say it with difficulty? How many times had he seen their eyes fill and their throats harden with the difficulty of saying my father, or my brother, or my mother, or my sister? He could not remember how many times he heard them mention their dead in this way. Nearly always they spoke as this boy did now; suddenly and apropos of the mention of the town and always you said, ‘What barbarians.”

“…always-the sharp,plaintive edgeon the rimof the spoonof my giving.(lines 8-13 of the poem ‘Confessions’)”

“Death was not the scariest thing out there; no, the denial of it could be far worse.”

“People were excited by violence. What, after all, was the sexual act but a voluntarily endured assault, a momentary death?”

“If you remembered somebody was as real as yourself, how could you kill anybody?”

“A violent order is disorder; and a great disorder is an order.These two things are one.”

“I could say the world is ending tomorrow, and no one would care. I could say the world will go forever, and no one would care. I could write words, words, words of hope, of love, of humanity, of peace, of pain and the world will still spin to unchanged tomorrows. The human heart balled up as a fist, just grows old clenching to life, to pride and ego, it won’t let go. But the words slip through, as the last pump of blood to a lost web of veins.”