“Some women think being arrogant, selfish, bitter and looking down on others are qualities of being an Independent, strong, powerful and successful business women. No matter how high you are in life. Never look down on others and never forget humanity.”

“Don’t make any decision to impress people. They would act like they are impressed to find they are not.They act like they care to find they dont care. They act like they love you and are happy for you to find they are not. Do what makes you happy and let them act the whole time. Knowing you are truly happy by being their director the way you live your life.”

“Wise people problems, becomes everyone’s solution. Foolish people solutions becomes everyone’s problem.”

“Choose to hustle now, to work hard now, to make all the sacrifice now. So that you can enjoy your tomorrow. Whatever it is that you suppose to do now. If you don’t do it now, it will affect you badly for the rest of your life.”

“When a person wants something. He/She makes a plan. When a person does not want something. He/She makes excuses.”