All Quotes By Tag: Oneness
“Life is not a discrete phenomenon it is a part of an intelligent cosmic field. It is a cosmic dance.”
“The reason there’s no oneness and no harmony in the church is because the believers don’t habitually walk in the light and they don’t constantly allow God’s light (knowledge) to shine in them.”
“Does one need to deceive oneself, to understand self-deception! If not, then why do you deceive yourself, by conforming to the social labels, be it a religious label, a non-religious label, a nationalist label, an intellectual label, or a gender label.”
“Find the beautiful;The perfect;The wonderful in life,And then remind yourself that you are part of it;Therein, you are ALL of these things and more.”
“When YOU choose to change, your reality must change accordingly. It simply has no other choice.”
“Success is not a question of how much power or money you have acquired. It is a question of how satisfied you are with WHO YOU ARE.”
“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.”
“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.”
“Close your eyes. Meditate on your love. This is God.”
“We are one in spirit of faith of love.”
“To live with regret is to deny one’s life of living.”
“I see your painas clearly as I feel my own.I will share your burden so you feel it less.Do not hate this world.Do not hate these people.I will share my hopeso you feel it more.I want you to see our loveas clearly as I feel yours.”
“I would rather lie facedown on the ground and use my body as a bridge, than stand proud and tall and use my body as a wall.”
“For me, the nomination of Barack Obama as a candidate for president and his inauguration in Washington represents a brief glimpse at the power and potential of peace.There was a radiance about America then, a great coming together of so many people, races, generations, and beliefs. For one brief moment in our history, we found a way to put down our strife against one another. For a few days, weeks, and months all the false reasons we use daily to look down on others, to separate ourselves from one another, fell away, and we opened our hearts to the kind of equality that our founders envisioned but did not have the courage to create. In that moment we decided to face the truth of our oneness with one another, and when we did we experienced the beauty of peace.”
“Here’s another poem,like all others before and after,dedicated to you.There isn’t anything left to be saidbut I will spend my lifetrying to put you into words.You who is every goodness,every optimismand hope.Your love is a better fate for methan anything I could wish for.If you are a part of me, then you’re the best part.And if you’re separate from me, then you are my destination.But I’ve become a weary traveller,so please,let us never be apart.”