“Until there is equal and fair portion of opportunities apportioned for every citizen, the power structure may need to be restructured.”

“A woman should be highly qualified and intelligent. Well, Most of the girls own a husband at the earlier age of their life and take care of husbands and house.”

“Bringing to light what had been hidden in darkness should not overwhelm you, but EDUCATE you.”

“God has made the provision for every man on earth to be equally endowed.”

“Every human being is equally wealthy according to God’s divine providence.”

“We are all endowed with the wealth of time equally. Everybody that is born on the surface of this earth, has this wealth.”

“Time is given to every person in equal measure per day”

“Time creates equality and gives access to equal potential”

“82. Time is the greatest wealth we have all been given in equal measure despite our differences”

“Time is the greatest wealth we have all been given in equal measure despite our differences”

“Men are created equal by God but in life, we are not equal and we are never going to be equal”

“The most important thing is that God gave each and every one of us time in equal measure”

“The 24hours is equally given to all”

“God has given both church goers and non-church goers equal time”