“Calamities reveal your capabilities. Take note of this and when times get odd, prepare and shine.”

“There is something strangely ecstatic, oddly fascinating and infinitely magnetic about unrequited love.”

“There was an infinitesimal pause while he watched her face, as though he half expected her to recognise it, before he went on, ‘My friends call me Thorn,’ and gave her a smile of such devastating charm that she blinked.Her hand clasped in his, her senses zinging from his touch and that stunning smile, she stared into his dark, handsome face until, realising that she was gawking at him like some overgrown schoolgirl, she withdrew her hand and asked quickly, ‘What do your enemies call you?”

“All things are strange which are worth knowing.”

“As an Odd-Fish, it is not my job to be right,’ said Sir Oort. ‘It is my job to be wrong in new and exciting ways.”

“Quiet people always know more than they seem. Although very normal, their inner world is by default fronted mysterious and therefore assumed weird. Never underestimate the social awareness and sense of reality in a quiet person; they are some of the most observant, absorbent persons of all.”

“It’s the odd things in life that make you believe in God, Love, Beauty, and the Impossible.”

“In those moments it’s hard to remember that an angry voice is an invisible thing incapable of drawing blood.”

“Normal is over rated, and so is spelling.You want perfection? Go out and buy a spell check, but know this: Spellcheck won’t keep you warm at night or love you unconditionaly. I will stick to being abnormal and a bad speller. Makes life more interesting. After all, what fun is there in being normal or perfect?”