“If you wait for the right time to come it will never come. Begin where you are and with what you have!”

“Religion? Let us talk of it less, practise more!”

“I know of no religion higher than the religion of Unity and Love, of Service and Sacrifice.”

“Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and achieves the impossible.”

“Knowledge makes a man proud. Love makes him Humble. When knowledge is blended with love, man shines as do the angels of God. “His life becomes radiant.”

“It’s wise to burn anger, before anger itself burns your peace and happiness.”

“Happiness belongs to those who live for others!”

“Kirtan is spiritually uplifting! It spreads its beautiful, peaceful vibrations and uplifts the soul!”

“Seek not to please men: seek only to please God.”

“The greatest power lies in Prayer & Recitation of Name Divine.”

“The Guru is one who dwells in the Light and the Light dwells in him.”